Dear Hatfield Parents/Guardians,
The Hatfield Elementary School staff is excited to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. In welcoming all students back, we understand that this year is going

to look different. Your child’s education and safety is our top priority and we will be reviewing our new procedures with our students the first week of school. Below are some examples of safety guidelines that have been put into place.
Prior to School
Parents must check their children for COVID-19 symptoms every morning. Our staff will also be going through a symptom screening as well.
The LH School Symptom Screening Tool is enclosed.
Busing and Transportation
Masks are required while riding a bus and upon entrance and exit of the bus.
Students in the same household will be expected to sit together and to sit spaced out to the maximum extent feasible on the bus.
Buses will be disinfected on a regular basis.
Beginning at 8:45 students will be permitted to enter the building. Students riding the bus will enter through the front doors. Students riding in cars will enter through the side entrance to Hatfield.
Students will report directly to their homeroom.
Grab and Go Breakfasts will be offered to students each morning.
Visitors entering the building will be significantly limited to emergencies only.
Students arriving late will be required to complete screening protocols.
Hallway Transitions
All students will ALWAYS exit out of classroom doors to the RIGHT.
Arrows have been added in the hallways to guide students.
Single lane of traffic in hallways at ALL times.
Drinking fountains have been turned off. Students are permitted to bring water to school to drink.
Each room will have desks at a social distance to the maximum extent feasible.
All non essential furniture has been removed from classrooms.
Ten minute mask breaks will be held hourly.
An additional lunch period has been added to allow social distancing to the maximum extent feasible.
All students will enter through the SAME doorway. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed at the entry.
All traffic will flow in the same direction.
Students will sit facing the same direction in an assigned seat.
All students will exit through the SAME doorway. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed at the exit.
During outdoor recess, students will stay in a given area with their classrooms.
During indoor recess students will remain in their seats.
Bus students and side-car students will be dismissed at alternating times.
Students waiting in bus and side-car areas will be socially distanced.
By working together as a team, we can continue to make outstanding progress in every child’s educational experience. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at Together we can create the best possible learning environment for our students at Hatfield Elementary School.
Mrs. Heidi G. Mears, M.Ed.