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21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) 2020-21 Virtual After School Program

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)

2020-21 Virtual After School Program

*Intermediate Unit #1 received a grant to provide an after school program for our students in grades 2 - 5.

*We are going VIRTUAL---Synchronously and Asynchronously (Meaning the teacher will have daily requirements of students to log in for activities and students may have projects/assignments to complete when not logged in.)

*The program runs Monday, October 5th, 2020 - Thursday, May 27th, 2021

The program will only be 4 days a week:  Monday through Thursday.

After School Virtual Activities Include:

Reading, Math, TWO “20” minute increments of "homework help", Positive Behavior Support, Physical Activity,  STEM Events, Challenger Learning Program , WQED/PBS Kids, Arts/Crafts/Music, etc.

*Because this is a BIG commitment of time by both the parents and students, we ask that only those students capable of participating ALL four days apply. 

The grant requires daily attendance/participation and may remove students with poor attendance from the program in order to place students on the waiting list. 

The grant has set a total of 30 students per building. The principal will accept the first 30 and then put any additional applications on a waiting list.

Parents who are interested should complete The Online Registration Form

Please complete as soon as possible. (Once registered, you will be contacted by program instructors.)

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