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Class of 2023 Graduation Information


  • All holds must be cleared including cafeteria, sports equipment, uniforms, textbooks, fundraising debts, library books, Chromebooks and chargers, balances due for trips or for club requirements, fines, unserved detentions etc.

  • Detentions and in-school suspensions must be taken care of prior to graduation.

  • Graduation Practice is Wednesday, May 31, Thursday, June 1, and (if need be) Friday, June 2 from 8-11 am. You must attend graduation to be able to walk the stage in order the night of graduation.

  • After the June 1 graduation practice, from 11 am -1 pm, we will be hosting a senior picnic for all seniors in the courtyard.

  • Each student will receive 3 tickets which will be given to them on the June 1 graduation practice. Extra tickets will be given to each student at that practice if you signed up in the office for extra tickets.


  • On graduation night, you must arrive at the high school by no later than 5:45. Graduation starts at 7 pm, and the senior video begins at 6:30. You may enter through the entrance closest to the new wing and cafeteria.

  • We will meet in the cafeteria at this time. You MUST stay in the cafeteria or the cafeteria hall until graduation is over. No parents or non-staff members are allowed in the cafeteria area.

  • You must sign in with Mr. Petrone, Mrs. Ryan, or the assigned teacher to make sure everyone is here.

  • We will be checking each student multiple times for any extra items that are not needed at graduation. Please dispose of the gum before we walk into the auditorium.

  • At approximately 6:30 PM, we will go to the gymnasium to take a quick group picture with all of your caps and gowns on.

  • Please keep in mind that proper attire is required for graduation. Graduation is a formal occasion and the student’s attire should reflect this. Gentlemen will be expected to wear dress shoes, dress pants, and a dress shirt. Ladies will be expected to wear dress shoes, and a dress or skirt and top. NO flip flops, shower shoes, athletic shoes, hunting boots, hiking boots, work boots, etc.

  • Please remember you signed off that you will NOT paint or embellish your caps with gems, or other materials. Students who have done something with their caps cannot walk at graduation as we have no extra caps for you.

  • As students like to toss their caps in celebration at the announcement that they have graduated, please make sure that your name is written inside of your cap and that your tassel is securely attached to the bottom.

  • Only high school-issued items, (Pins, chords, etc.) are permitted to be displayed during graduation.

  • You are NOT permitted to carry miscellaneous items to throw during the ceremony or after it has concluded. Please remember that this ceremony is being recorded and will be live-streamed.


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