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Freshmen Orientation Details Released

Laurel Highlands High School will welcome incoming freshmen on Tuesday, August 25th. During the orientation, a general overview of the high school will be shared as well as the basic procedures and expectations to help ensure your personal success and that your school operates efficiently. In addition, students will have access to their schedules as well as the opportunity to tour the school. The length of the orientation meeting will be dependent upon the number of questions asked by the members of each group, but in general, students will spend approximately 45 minutes in the school.

Of course, during a global health pandemic, orientation will have to be held in a different manner this year. Social distancing will be maintained and all students must wear a mask/face covering. Due to gathering limits, this year’s orientation will only be available to the students. Parents/guardians will not be able to attend the session but please feel free to send your questions with your students or contact their guidance counselor.

We hope you can attend. Due to gathering restrictions, please plan to attend during your scheduled time. Again, we welcome you to the high school and we look forward to meeting you next week.


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