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High School Remote Learning Reminders

Laurel Highlands High School Families,

We at the high school hope you and your families are all healthy and have had time to transition into the remote learning environment. We feel that face-to-face instruction is best, but with the current community rise of positive COVID-19 cases, remote learning is the safest option. As of now, Laurel Highlands will continue with remote learning through Christmas Break, and we plan to resume in person instruction on January 4, 2021.

With that in mind, please be aware that you should be following your regular school schedule. You need to sign into homeroom between 7am-2pm, and log into all of your classes daily. Each teacher has their own expectations and will be incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous learning activities. Please follow your assigned schedule and adhere to the times below.

HR Check in between 7am - 2 pm

Pd 1 7:41 am - 8:29 am

Pd 2 8:32 am - 9:20 am

Pd 3 9:23 am - 10:11 am

Pd 4 10:14 am - 11:02 am

Pd 5 11:05 am - 11:53 am

Pd 6 11:56 am - 12:44 pm

Pd 7 12:47 pm -1:35 pm

Pd 8 1:38 pm - 2:27 pm

We look forward to returning back to face-to-face instruction soon! If you have any concerns or questions please email your teacher or guidance counselor for assistance.

Mrs. Mancini


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