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Mock Accident Demo @ LHHS

May 9, 2024


Dear Parents and Guardians,


I hope this letter finds you well. As we approach the exciting milestone of graduation, I wanted to inform you about an important event that will take place prior to the commencement ceremony.


On Tuesday, May 14, our school will be conducting a mock accident drill in collaboration with local emergency responders. The drill is designed to simulate the aftermath of a serious car accident involving students, with the aim of educating our seniors about the potential consequences of reckless driving, particularly as they celebrate this joyous occasion.


The safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities. We believe that this exercise will provide them with valuable insights into the dangers of impaired and distracted driving. By witnessing a simulated accident scene and observing the swift response of emergency personnel, we hope to impress upon our graduating class the importance of making responsible choices, especially during celebratory moments.


Please be assured that while the simulation may be realistic, every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants. We understand that you may have concerns or questions about this drill, and we welcome the opportunity to address them. Your cooperation and support are invaluable as we work together to educate and empower our students to make wise decisions that will keep them safe.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your continued partnership in fostering a safe and nurturing environment for our graduating class.



John K. Diamond


Laurel Highlands High School



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