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PA Broadband Survey

In an effort to identify the level of Internet access and connectivity that residents have

within our school district community, we are asking that you complete a short survey.

The data collected will greatly assist our school district with obtaining local, state and

federal broadband funding to provide additional resources to our students and families.

Thank you in advance for your time in taking this survey!

What is the purpose of the survey?

o Assist school districts with obtaining local, state and federal broadband funding to

provide additional resources to our students and families.

o The school data will assist Superintendents as they prepare future grant


o One of the upcoming funding sources will be the Emergency Connectivity Funds

(7.1 Billion Nationwide)

How should school districts share this survey with families?

o Communication via an all call system (ie. Phone, email, text, etc.) is

recommended and would be very helpful with the survey rollout.

o Posting survey description and link on district websites.

o A sample survey narrative is provided below in both English and Spanish:

What is the survey window?

o The survey will be launched on May 20 and will be closed on June 11, 2021.

o It is recommended to send out a second notification two weeks after the initial


Will districts have access to the survey database?

o School districts will have access to the survey database to assist with preparation

of any upcoming funding opportunities.

o Instructions on how to access the database will be shared.


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