Remote / Online Learning Expectations for December 1-11, 2020
Education across the globe continues to be impacted by COVID. As such, LHSD will be temporarily going remote/online for two weeks for all students. Staff will do their best to mirror the face-to-face instructional day/schedule as closely as possible with a blend of both synchronous and asynchronous instruction. It is impossible to make it exactly like face-to-face instruction since some students do not have access to technology or even access during the day, but our teachers are working hard to provide the best education experience possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
-Our staff will be available online throughout their normal instructional day.
-Students are expected to participate and complete assignments by the due dates.
-Teachers will push out lessons through Google Classroom, Videos, Zoom meetings, etc.
-Students will use their Chromebook/laptop to complete assignments.
At the High School Level:
Students should log in to their homeroom daily
Teachers will use Google Classroom and student email to push out instructional assignments as well as other technology tools
Students should check their Google Email and Google Classroom daily
If students have questions or need extra support they should email the teacher.
At the Middle School Level:
Login Daily with your Homeroom Attendance Teacher by 3:00 to be counted for the day.
Students will follow their original schedule
Teachers will use Google Classroom and student email to push out instructional assignments as well as other technology tools
Students should check their Google Email and Google Classroom daily
If students have questions or need extra support they should email the teacher.
Further assistance email: or
Contact the office at 724.437.2865 between 8am-3pm
Ninth period is available for support. Simply email your teacher and they will set up a Google meet or conference to help.
At the Elementary School Level:
Students will log in daily or complete assignments as directed by their teachers
Teachers will use Google Classroom and/or Seesaw, and student email to push out instructional assignments as well as other technology tools
Students should check their Google Email and Google Classroom daily
If students have questions or need extra support they should email the teacher.
Since the landscape is changing rapidly, students should check their emails regularly for the most updated information and parents should check in with their children daily, our website, and the parent portal.